Quest Dual 155 Return Duct Kit | 12" Duct Collar

SKU: DUCT53012
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On the off chance that you have a Quest Overhead Dehumidifier, models 155 you don't need to keep your dehumidifier in your nursery. Believe it or not; with this air pipe collar, you can put your dehumidifier outside the nursery, and join a restricted measure of ventilation work to the admission on your dehumidifier. This 12-inch spine will help you let loose a touch of extra space in your nursery, however, make certain to buy the stockpile air connection also. This guarantees that dry air is sent once again into your nursery.

  • Height: 43.18CM 
  • Lenght: 53.34CM 
  • Width: 22.86CM 
  • Weight: 2.3KG